Monday, May 11, 2020

Sauropods - The Biggest Dinosaurs

Think of the word dinosaur, and two images are likely to come to mind: a snarling Velociraptor hunting for grub, or a giant, gentle, long-necked Brachiosaurus lazily plucking the leaves off the tops of trees. In many ways, the sauropods (of which Brachiosaurus was a prominent example) are more fascinating than famous predators like Tyrannosaurus Rex or Spinosaurus. By far the largest terrestrial creatures ever to roam the earth, sauropods branched into numerous genera and species over the course of 100 million years, and their remains have been dug up on every continent, including Antarctica. (See a gallery of sauropod pictures and profiles.) So what, exactly, is a sauropod? Some technical details aside, paleontologists use this word to describe large, four-legged, plant-eating dinosaurs possessing bloated trunks, long necks and tails, and tiny heads with comparably small brains (in fact, sauropods may have been the dumbest of all the dinosaurs, with a smaller encephalization quotient than even stegosaurs or ankylosaurs). The name sauropod itself is Greek for lizard foot, which oddly enough counted among these dinosaurs least intuitive traits. As with any broad definition, though, there are some important buts and howevers. Not all sauropods had long necks (witness the oddly truncated Brachytrachelopan), and not all were the size of houses (one recently discovered genus, Europasaurus, seems to have only been about the size of a large ox). On the whole, though, most of the classical sauropods--familiar beasts like Diplodocus and Apatosaurus (the dinosaur previously known as Brontosaurus)--followed the sauropod body plan to the Mesozoic letter. Sauropod Evolution As far as we know, the first true sauropods (such as Vulcanodon and Barapasaurus) arose about 200 million years ago, during the early to middle Jurassic period. Preceding, but not directly related to, these plus-sized beasts were smaller, occasionally bipedal prosauropods (before the sauropods) like Anchisaurus and Massospondylus, which were themselves related to the earliest dinosaurs. (In 2010, paleontologists unearthed the intact skeleton, complete with skull, of one of the earliest true sauropods, Yizhousaurus, and another candidate from Asia, Isanosaurus, straddles the Triassic/Jurassic boundary.) Sauropods reached the peak of their eminence toward the end of the Jurassic period, 150 million years ago. Fully grown adults had a relatively easy ride, since these 25- or 50-ton behemoths would have been virtually immune to predation (although its possible that packs of Allosaurus might have ganged up on an adult Diplodocus), and the steamy, vegetation-choked jungles covering most of the Jurassic continents provided a steady supply of food. (Newborn and juvenile sauropods, as well as sick or aged individuals, would of course have made prime pickings for hungry theropod dinosaurs.) The Cretaceous period saw a slow slide in sauropod fortunes; by the time the dinosaurs as a whole went extinct 65 million years ago, only lightly armored but equally gigantic titanosaurs (such as Titanosaurus and Rapetosaurus) were left to speak for the sauropod family. Frustratingly, while paleontologists have identified dozens of titanosaur genera from around the world, the lack of fully articulated fossils and the rarity of intact skulls means that much about these beasts is still shrouded in mystery. We do know, however, that many titanosaurs possessed rudimentary armor plating--clearly an evolutionary adaptation to predation by large carnivorous dinosaurs--and that the biggest titanosaurs, like Argentinosaurus, were even bigger than the biggest sauropods. Sauropod Behavior and Physiology As befitting their size, sauropods were eating machines: adults had to scarf down hundreds of pounds of plants and leaves every day in order to fuel their enormous bulk. Depending on their diets, sauropods came equipped with two basic kinds of teeth: either flat and spoon-shaped (as in Camarasaurus and Brachiosaurus), or thin and peglike (as in Diplodocus). Presumably, spoon-toothed sauropods subsisted on tougher vegetation that required more powerful methods of grinding and chewing. Reasoning by analogy with modern giraffes, most paleontologists believe sauropods evolved their ultra-long necks in order to reach the high leaves of trees. However, this raises as many questions as it answers  since pumping blood to a height of 30 or 40 feet would strain even the biggest, most robust heart. One maverick paleontologist has even suggested that the necks of some sauropods contained strings of auxiliary hearts, kind of like a Mesozoic bucket brigade, but lacking solid fossil evidence, few experts are convinced. This brings us to the question of whether sauropods were warm-blooded, or cold-blooded like modern reptiles. Generally, even the most ardent advocates of warm-blooded dinosaurs back off when it comes to sauropods  since simulations show that these oversized animals would have baked themselves from the inside, like potatoes, if they generated too much internal metabolic energy. Today, the prevalence of opinion is that sauropods were cold-blooded homeotherms--that is, they managed to maintain a near-constant body temperature because they warmed up very slowly during the day and cooled off equally slowly at night. Sauropod Paleontology Its one of the paradoxes of modern paleontology that the largest animals that ever lived have left the most incomplete skeletons. While bite-sized dinosaurs like Microraptor tend to fossilize all in one piece, complete sauropod skeletons are rare on the ground. Further complicating matters, sauropod fossils are often found without their heads, because of an anatomical quirk in how these dinosaurs skulls were attached to their necks (their skeletons were also easily disarticulated, that is, trampled to pieces by living dinosaurs or shaken apart by geological activity). The jigsaw-puzzle-like nature of sauropod fossils has tempted paleontologists into a fair number of blind alleys. Often, a gigantic tibia will be advertised as belonging to an entirely new genus of sauropod, until its determined (based on more complete analysis) to belong to a plain old Cetiosaurus. (This is the reason the sauropod once known as Brontosaurus is today called Apatosaurus: Apatosaurus was named first, and the dinosaur subsequently called Brontosaurus turned out to be a, well, you know.) Even today, some sauropods linger under a cloud of suspicion; many experts believe that Seismosaurus was really an unusually large Diplodocus, and proposed genera like Ultrasauros have been pretty much discredited altogether. This confusion about sauropod fossils has also resulted in some famous confusion about sauropod behavior. When the first sauropod bones were discovered, well over one hundred years ago, paleontologists believed they belonged to ancient whales--and for a few decades, it was fashionable to picture Brachiosaurus as a semi-aquatic creature that roved lake bottoms and stuck its head out of the surface of the water to breathe! (an image that has helped fuel pseudo-scientific speculation about the true provenance of the Loch Ness Monster).

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Holocaust Free Essays

The Holocaust, defined as a whole burnt sacrifice was a historical conflict between the Nazis and Jews. In a broader perspective, conflict between the Aryan race and all other inferior races. The primary cause of the Holocaust was the Nazi Party’s rise of power. We will write a custom essay sample on The Holocaust or any similar topic only for you Order Now The social science perspectives of psychology, politics and sociology evaluate the factors that lead up to the primary cause of the Holocaust. Analyzing the conflict in the Holocaust helps to understand a current conflict such as the situation of alleged genocide in Darfur. Psychological factors contributed to the primary conflict of the Holocaust. The Nazi Party was a great supporter of anti-Semitism and their new power allowed them to spread the word easily. Nazi leader Hans Frank expressed the hatred in his Jewish Extermination Speech in 1941, â€Å"if the pack of Jews were to survive the war in Europe while we sacrifice the best of our blood for the preservation of Europe, then this war would still be only a partial success. † The people involved in the Nazi Party were very narrow-minded. Without total execution of all Jews, their plan would be considered a failure. The Nazis set a goal that was unreasonable and because of this unreachable goal, the Nazis were driven to almost insanity to kill off any Jew on the street. Although the Nazis had manipulated themselves into anti-Semitism, they still had to convince the people of Germany that total execution of the Jewish people was normal. Adolf Hitler used all kinds of media as anti-Semitic propaganda. Hans Frank had also said, â€Å"I must ask you to remain unmoved by pleas of pity. We must annihilate the Jews wherever we encounter them, in order to maintain the overall mastery of the Reich. † The Nazi Party even produced an anti-Semitic film called The Eternal Jew that bashed the Jews in every way possible. At one point, the film stated, â€Å"Among the animals, rats represent the rudiment of an insidious and underground destruction, just like the Jews among human beings. † The horrific comments said about the Jews in Hitler’s propaganda was enough to turn Germany into a heartless, full-fledged anti-Semitic nation. Hitler was able to manipulate the minds of people and by doing so, he was able to gather enough followers to carry out his anti-Semitic plans. The political events that took place during the times was also a huge factor to the primary cause of the Holocaust. Not long after Hitler was elected as Chancellor of Germany, he decided to change his leadership into a dictatorship. Hitler’s hunger for power was most likely fueled by his want to promote anti-Semitism. Hitler became extremely powerful and used this to his advantage to speak pessimistically against the Jews. Often, his speech would be something along the lines of this, â€Å"We say that the war will not end as the Jews imagine it will, namely, with the uprooting of the Aryans, but the result of this war will be complete annihilation of the Jews. † Hitler’s unlimited power promised him that no obstacle would get in the way of putting his anti-Semitic ideas into action. Soon after, Anti- Semitism became a government policy. The idea of anti-Semitism was taught to children at schools and was widely promoted by several groups. It was reasonable for the people of Germany to dislike the Jews, but making it a government policy was going overboard. If openly sabotaging and torturing the Jewish people was now legal, an event like the Holocaust to follow seemed to be inevitable. Obviously, if the Holocaust had happened, it shows that Hitler was not yet satisfied with the Jewish Problem. In 1939, Hitler came up with The Final Solution of the Jewish Question. The Final Solution stated that all Jews seen on the street was be killed. By making the Final Solution a governmental law, executing Jews seemed less like a crime and more like a necessary action. The absolute power that the Nazi Party had obtained allowed them to enforce political laws without question and eventually, Nazism took over the country of Germany. The sociological differences between the Jews and the Aryan race caused much conflict between the two races and also added to the primary cause of the Holocaust. The Jews were treated as social outcasts way before the Holocaust even happened. Hitler had built on the already existing anti-Semitism and convinced people that Jews were hindering the development of Germany. Jews were often the scapegoats in many of the nation’s problems. Although no one could prove if that was true, the Jews did not seem like they were disrupting the organization of Germany. Hitler was simply playing the blame game to win over pro-Anti-Semitism. In one of his speeches, Hitler had predicted, â€Å"If the international Jewish financers in and outside of Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more in a world war, then the esult will not be the Bolshevizing of the Earth, and thus the victory of Jewry but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe†¦ then we shall see which is stronger, the spirit of international Jewry or the will of Germany. † Once again, Hitler refers to the annihilation of all Jews in Europe. If Jewish businesses are causing the German businesses to diminish, then the only reasonable solution wo uld be to get rid of everyone that was hindering the development of Germany. The Nazi Party had stripped the Jews of natural human rights such as citizenship, property and life. Hitler abused his power to torment the Jews and made it seem normal, humane. The interaction between Jews and non-Jews became more hostile. Non-Jews refused to help Jews because they had the constant fear of getting caught by government officials. To avoid that problem, they decided to shut the Jews into confined ghettos. The negativity became more extreme and eventually, the Nazi Party came to a decision that annihilating every Jew was the best solution for the problem. The current conflict of the genocide in Darfur is similar to the Holocaust in all three social science perspectives. The conflict of Darfur was started when a group of rebels had killed Sudanese soldiers. Similarly, Hitler had ordered genocide of the Jews after Herschel Grynszpan, a Jew killed a German diplomat. The government and Janjaweed militia of Sudan targeted rebel African groups and organized a systematic killing. The government encouraged and supported the actions of the Janjaweed militia. Likewise, a high power party was responsible for the rise of the Holocaust. The Nazis and Sudanese government were both encouraged the wiping out of an inferior people group. Psychologically, the government of Sudan tried to manipulate public opinion with misleading information. They had used propaganda to promote negativity towards the rebel groups of the ‘Sudan Liberation Army’ and the ‘Justice and Equality Movement’. The Nazis had used propaganda to promote negative views of the Jews and most likely, the insight posted on the propaganda was based solely on assumptions. Sociologically, the conflicted areas were heavily guarded by the Sudan Liberation Army and the rebels were mostly confined into small spaces. The guards caused hesitance in humanitarian aid because of the fear of death. Non-Jews were reluctant to help Jews because of the constant fear of getting caught by the Nazi government. The Jews were also confined into ghettos which is similar to the rebel communities that live separate from the rest of Darfur. Both inferior groups were treated as social outcasts. with the similar conditions of the victims and same intentions of the government, many people consider Darfur to be the modern Holocaust. Analyzing a historical and current conflict can help us understand the reasons for any general conflict. History has a theory of repeating itself through time. This is evident because about sixty years after the Holocaust, the conflict of Darfur, a similar conflict happened. In general, the conflict of the Holocaust and Darfur happened because of disagreements and disputes with a group of people that was different than their own. Any conflict contains two of more parties with opposing views that are also not content with the other’s presence. A conflict happens because one is not okay with the actions of another. A disagreement of some sort must be present and there must be a failure to compromise for a conflict to form. The Holocaust was caused by many factors in the social science perspectives of psychology, politics and sociology. Hitler was able to manipulate the minds of many people which caused them to believe in a strong anti-Semitic view. The absolute power of the Nazi party legalized anti-Semitic laws and people of the â€Å"Aryan† race constantly spat on the Jews. Not more than 60 years later, a similar conflict in Darfur happened. Both conflicts were systematic, government sponsored genocides that failed to succeed. By analyzing the historical conflict of the Holocaust and the modern conflict of Darfur, it is easier to understand that the reason for any conflict is the dispute and failure to compromise of two or more parties. Conflicts are always happening but by taking a social science perspective and an analytical approach, a conflict can be broken down to be understood with greater knowledge. How to cite The Holocaust, Essay examples The Holocaust Free Essays string(23) " Jews under his thumb\." The Holocaust was a horrible event that took many lives and disturbed may people and was considered to be one of the cruelest acts ever in history. This was a time after World War I and before World War II began. However, this is not where it all started. We will write a custom essay sample on The Holocaust or any similar topic only for you Order Now It all started on April 20, 1889, when an innocent child was brought into the world, by the name of Adolf Hitler. â€Å"Perhaps in trying to understand Hitler’s psyche, we can come closer to understanding how what it is in ourselves that drives us to embrace such an alien world as the Holocaust represents†. (Ferrell, Donald R.The Un-mourned Wound: Reflections on the Psychology of Adolf Hitler. Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 34, No. 3 (Fall, 1995), pp. 175-197 Published by: Springer) Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau an Inn to an Australian customs official by the name of Alois Schickelgruber Hitler and his third and very young wife, Klara Poezl. In primary school, Hitler was thought to have a very bright academic future in front of him. He also showed outstanding leadership qualities. All of his pupils respected him and he was well liked. (http://www. jewishvirtuallibrary. org/jsource/Holocaust/hitler. tml) In secondary school, Hitler soon realized he was not at the top of his class and was not liked as well as he was in primary school. The only teacher that he liked was a man by the name of, Leopold Potsch, history major. Potsch was a German Nationalist, among many other. He taught Hitler about the first chancellor of the German Empire, Otto von Bismarch. (http://www. spartacus. schoolnet. co. uk/GERhitler. htm) Otto von Bismarch was President of Prussia in 1862 and deliberately provoked the France-Prussian War and â€Å"as a result was able to obtain Alsace and Lorraine from France.To counteract the danger of Russia and France joining forces against Germany, Chancellor Bismarck formed the Triple Alliance in 1879. † (http://www. spartacus. schoolnet. co. uk/FWWbismarck. htm) Bismarch was one of Hitler’s first early historical heroes. By this time, Hitler had a very bad attitude, was lazy, had an unstable temperament, and was deeply hostile towards his strict father. Hitler told his father that he did not want to be in the civil service, but instead wanted to be an artist. His father did not take this news very well, as a matter of fact, he was furious and as a result they had a falling out.The dispute between the two of them ended when Alois Hitler died in 1903. The family owned their own home and received a very generous pension from the civil service, so they did not struggle. (http://www. jewishvirtuallibrary. org/jsource/Holocaust/hitler. html) Hitler was always very close to his hardworking mother, much closer than he was to his father. At the age of fifteen, he did so badly at his examinations that he was told he would have to repeat the grade. He managed to convince his mother to let him drop out without receiving his secondary education qualification. http://www. jewishvirtuallibrary. org/jsource/Holocaust/hitler. html) When Hitler was eighteen, He inherited some money from his father’s will and moved to Vienna to pursue his dream of becoming an artist. He then, applied to the Vienna Academy of Art and the Vienna School of Architecture. He was rejected by both. Not having the heart to tell his mother, he stayed in Vienna and let her believe he was attending school. (http://www. jewishvirtuallibrary. org/jsource/Holocaust/hitler. html) Hitler’s mother died soon after that when he was just nineteen years old in 1908.She died of cancer. He was so heartbroken over her death that he carried a picture in his pocket of her. It is even said that he had it in his hand when he died in 1945. (http://www. jewishvirtuallibrary. org/jsource/Holocaust/hitler. html) In 1909, Hitler was supposed to register for military services, but he was unwilling to serve for Austria because he despised them. When authorities caught up with him four years later he was rejected due to the fact that he was deemed unfit for combat, to weak, and unable to bear a firearm. (http://www. spartacus. schoolnet. co. uk/GERhitler. tm) A fresh start was provided for Hitler when the First World War started. He wanted to prove that Germany was superior to all other European countries. Hitler volunteered for the German Army, in times of war medical examinations were not as crucial. Hitler claimed that when he heard the news of war: â€Å"I was overcome with impetuous enthusiasm, and falling on my knees, wholeheartedly thanked Heaven that I had been granted the happiness to live at this time†. (http://www. spartacus. schoolnet. co. uk/GERhitler. htm) Hitler liked being in the army. He impressed his commanding officers by volunteering for dangerous missions.It seemed like he liked the fact that he was fighting alongside other people for a common goal. One of his fellow soldiers even said that he was â€Å"odd and peculiar† and that Hitler was a very isolated person and would randomly make negative speeches about the Jews and the Marxists. (Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf. Volume one, Chapter five: The world War. http://www. hitler. org/writings/Mein_Kampf/mkv1ch05. html) In October of 1918, there was a mustard gas attack and Hitler was temporarily blinded. By the time he recovered the war was over and he was very disappointed. He stayed very isolated after that.He would refuse to even talk to people at times. (Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf. Volume one, Chapter five: The world War. http://www. hitler. org/writings/Mein_Kampf/mkv1ch05. html) After the First World War it was said that â€Å"Germany suffered defeat, humiliation, and great amount of debt. In turn, this paved the way for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi’s†. (Davidson, J. W. , DeLay, B. , Heyrman, C. L. , Lytle, M. H. , Stoff, M. B. (2008) Nation of nations: a narrative of the American republic. Boston, Ma. McGraw-Hill) As it was said, Adolf Hitler had very strong leadership qualities, even as a child.That is when Hitler first realized he wanted to be a leader. At the same time, he wanted to get all Jews under his thumb. You read "The Holocaust" in category "Papers" When the Germans surrendered Hitler blamed a lot of people and a number of groups such as, the socialist, liberalist, but most of all he blamed the Jews. This is when Hitler wrote the book Mein Kampf. It was full of racial rantings and this built the platform for the Nazi army. (http://www. history. com/topics/adolf-hitler/videos) Hitler, himself, designed the Swastika flag in Munich in 1920. He discusses in his book, Mein Kampf, what its origin and meaning were and how each shape and color was selected.Kasher, Steve. The Art of Hitler. October, Vol. 59, (Winter, 1992) pp. 48-85. Published by: The MIT Press â€Å"He has the orator’s instinct for exaggeration and popularization and is without conscience or restraint†. This was said by Hans V. Kaltenborn. (Kaltenborn, Hans V. And Hitler, Adolf. . An Interview with Hitler, August 17, 1932) While reading this interview, a person could understand by then his isolation had remained and even got worse. It was very difficult for this man to even get an interview with Hitler to begin with. By 1933, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and had plenty of practice throwing rallies against Jews.There were even some historical Jews that attended some of these rallies and cheered for Hitler when he emerged. One woman that attended said, â€Å"I am still appalled that I would do such a thing. (Davis, Martha. Dulicai, Dianne. And Viczian, Ildiko. Hitler’s Movement Signature TDR (1988- ), Vol. 36, No. 2 (summer, 1992), pp. 152-172 Published by: The MIT Press) The Nazi’s that came to power in Germany in January 1933, believed that the Germans were radically superior to all other (including the Jews) were an alien threat to the â€Å"German racial community†. This is when the era of the Holocaust began. The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. †Holocaust† is a word of Greek origin meaning â€Å"sacrifice by fire. † (Dawidowicz, Lucy S. The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1975. http://www. ushmm. org/wlc/en/article. php? ModuleId=10005143) The Jews were not the only ones that were targeted by the Nazis, because of their â€Å"racial inferiority†; there were also the Gypsies (Roma), the disabled, and some of the Slavic people.Others, such as, Communists, socialists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Homosexuals were mistreated because of their political, ideological, and behavioral grounds. (http://www. ushmm. org/wlc/en/article. php? ModuleId=10005143) The Jewish population in Europe was over nine million, in 1933. By 1945, the Germans had killed two out of every three European Jews as part of the â€Å"final solution†. Even though Jews were the primary targets for the Nazis, other victims included 200,000 mentally or physically disabled, 200,000 Gypsies, and any German that was living in an institution setting. All these people were murdered in the Euthanasia Program. The so-called â€Å"Euthanasia† program was National Socialist Germany’s first program of mass murder, predating the genocide of European Jewry, which we call the Holocaust. † (Friedlander, Henry. The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1995. http://www. ushmm. org/wlc/en/article. php? ModuleId=10005200) The National Socialist government created concentration camps to hold real and imagined political and ideological opponents. More so, in the time before the war, SS and police incarcerated Jews, Gypsies, and others of ethnic and racial hatred in these camps.Hitler wanted to monitor the Jewish population so; the Germans created ghettos, transit camps, and forced labor camps for the Jews during war years. (Dawidowicz, Lucy S. The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1975. http://www. ushmm. org/wlc/en/article. php? ModuleId=10005143) In June 1941, after the invasion of the Soviet Union, Einsatzgruppen (were squads composed primarily of German SS and police personnel) and, later, militarized battalions of Order Police officials, went behind German lines to complete mass-murder operations against Jews, Roma, and Soviet state and Communist Party officials.German SS and police units murdered more than a million Jewish men, women, and children, and hundreds of thousands of others. Between 1941 and 1944, Nazi German authorities deported millions of Jews from Germany, from occupied territories, to ghettos and killing centers. These camps were called extermination camps, were the Jews were murdered in gassing facilities. (http://fcit. usf. edu/HOLOCAUST/TIMELINE/camps. htm) During the final months of World War II, guards moved camp inmates by train or on forced marches (called death marches) in an attempt to stop the liberation of mass quantities of prisoners.These marches continued until May 7, 1945, the day that the German armed forces surrendered to the Allies. World War II ended the next day on May 8 (V-E day) and the Soviet Union announced the end of the war on Mat 9, 1945. (Yahil, Leni. The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990) Many of the survivors of the Holocaust found shelter in displaced person (DP) camps administered by Allied powers. 700,000 Jews immigrated to Israel, between 1948 and 1951, including 136,000 Jewish displaced persons from Europe. Others immigrated to the United States and other nations.The last DP camp that was opened finally closed in 1957. The unthinkable crimes committed by Hitler during the Holocaust devastated most European Jewish communities and eliminated hundreds of Jewish communities that resided in Eastern Europe. (Yahil, Leni. The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990) Six million Jews were killed during the span of the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler was responsible for every one of these innocent people’s deaths. If it were not for his racial outlooks on life, many of the people that suffered and perished during the Holocaust would have lived to see another day.The Holocaust was a horrible event that took many lives and disturbed may people and was considered to be one of the cruelest acts ever in history. *note* I probably could have gone on for much longer about the Holocaust and all of the mental and emotional suffering that many Jews went through during said time. However, I did not want to get docked points for making it longer than you originally told us to write. I am very passionate about this subject and really appreciate the opportunity to write about it. Thank you. How to cite The Holocaust, Papers The Holocaust Free Essays He abandoned his father, and he moved on to save his own life (824). We can assume that the son didn’t want to stay behind the troop, there was a big chance he would be shoot by Nazis because too slow to move on. In concentration camps, there is no love, no friendships. We will write a custom essay sample on The Holocaust or any similar topic only for you Order Now Even family cannot trust people, people betray each other for better opportunity to be alive. Blade’s father in-law was cheated by his another son in-law, Haskell. Haskell lied he will help the father in-law to stay with family and took the jewelry from him (Spiegel 1 15). The jewelries would help him to read a bad conditions for living but Haskell put the father in-law to death. Betrays from own people is more painful from the crime that Nazis did to the Jews. After Jews were released from concentration camps, they were still suffering pains and guilt from their terrible experience, even the next generations had bad influence on it. In the book Mass, Ninja felt sorry and guilty for her dead parents and siblings, plus she was a sensitive person so she committed suicide and let her son carried guilt after she passed (Spiegel). It is very lucky and difficult can live through the Holocaust, and Ninja was that lucky survivor, but ridiculously, she could alive under the horrible conditions that Nazis put on her, but she committed suicide after all the pain had passed. The lasting effect on Ninja brought more damage than she went in the concentrating camp. Not only sensitive mother can have that strong lasting effect, but also Bladed that smart father totally changed his personality. When Artist’s friend left him, Bladed didn’t say thing to comfort him, â€Å"Friends? Your friends? † (2). Life after the Holocaust didn’t bring much happiness than before the war. Bladed also became cheap and doubtful. The lasting effect also has on the next generation. Artier is the son of Bladed and Ninja, he was growing up in a very negative condition, he had night mare about the AS will take him away from school and put him in the gas chamber. He even felt guilty because he was not going thought the bas conditions with his parents. All the terrible stories and incidents put him in the guilty to his parents. The lasting effects are tearing family apart. In conclusion, Nazis’ discrimination started this horrific event, Jews hurt each other to survive urine the Holocaust, and all the bad experiences brought huge lasting effects. Nazis forced Jews to hide in anywhere they can and living like rats. They stuffed Jews like animals in the carriage without food and water. Brutal killing by Nazis proved the fact that Jews were not humans in Nazis’ eyes. During the Holocaust, even family can betray each other, Rabbi’s son could gave up on his father when he was only getting weaker. The holocaust’s lasting effect still can kill people. Ninja suicide because she was not able to bear the loss of her parents and siblings. Bladed treated his son impatiently and suspicious his wife. How to cite The Holocaust, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Measurement Association Historical Account -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Measurement Association Historical Account? Answer: Introducation As per IFRS 13 (Fair Value Measurement), fair value is essentially a market based enumeration and not necessarily an entity specific dimension. As such, market transactions or else market information might perhaps be available or not available for certain assets as well as liabilities (Warren and Jones 2018). Nevertheless, the aim of a fair value measurement in both the cases is identical for estimating the price at which an orderly transaction to market to the asset or else to transfer the asset happens between participants of the market at the date of measurement under present measurement conditions. Essentially, this IFRS is applicable at the time when another IFRS allows fair value enumeration or disclosures regarding fair value measurement, founded on fair value otherwise disclosures regarding those measurement (ref: paragraph 5 IFRS 13). According to paragraph 11, a fair value dimension is for a specific asset or else a liability. Thus, at the time of measuring fair value a spe cific entity needs to consider the features of the asset or else liability in case if participants of market would consider those features at the time of pricing firms asset or else liabilities at the date of measurement. However, this kind of characteristics contains the condition as well as location of the asst along with restrictions if at all on the sale or on the usage of the asset. In essence, asset or else liabilities enumerated at fair value can be a standalone asset/liability or a group of assets and/or liabilities (Henderson et al. 2015). As rightly suggested by (), historical cost can be considered as the original cost of a specific asset as registered in the accounting records of an entity. Majority of the business transactions registered in the accounting records of a corporation are mentioned at the historical costs. A historical cost can be proven by accessing the source purchase or trade documents. Nevertheless, historical cost has the disadvantage of not necessarily reflecting the actual fair value of a specific asset that is likely to diverge from the purchases cost over a period of time. As per accounting standard, historical costs has the need for certain adjustments with passage of time. Fundamentally, historical cost varies from many other cost that are assigned to a specific asset, namely replacement cost or else inflation adjustment cost. However, historical cost can still be regarded as a central theme for registering assets, even though fair value is replacing the same for certain kinds of assets (Beat ty and Liao 2014). The ongoing replacement of the historical cost by fair value system of measurement is founded on the debate that historical cost reflects a conservative image of a corporation. However, the choice between using fair value and historical cost system of accounting can be considered to be a widely debated matter of concern. Nonetheless, the debate necessarily dates back to 1990s. Unlike majority of the accounting standards, IFRS delivers a choice between both fair value and the historical cost system of accounting for diverse non-financial assets. In addition to this, IFRS also calls for the need of an ex-ante commitment that implies commitment to one of the two policies of accounting (Bushman 2014). Thus, managers have an incentive to respond to demands of the market and commit to a specific treatment of accounting that can help in maximizing firms value. Again, fair value systems of accounting for different non-financial assets have the benefit of enhanced value relevance as well as information content, lessened asymmetry of information and augmented comparability. Reports suggest that then usage of the fair value in place of historical cost is not necessari ly random and takes place only when advantages outweigh the costs Evaluation of benefits and challenges of using historical cost and fair value accounting for PPE and intangibles AS per AASB 116, fair value can be considered as the amount for which a particular asset could necessarily be exchanged between mainly knowledgeable, intending parties in arms length business transactions. As per paragraph 15 of AAS 116 (Measurement at recognition), an item of PPE (plant, property and equipment) that necessarily qualifies for purpose of recognition and can be considered as a specific asset can be enumerated at cost (Warren 2016). AASB 138 prescribes treatment of accounting for various intangible assets that are not necessarily with particularly in another accounting standard. In essence, this standard is applicable to reporting entity that has the need to prepare pecuniary reports as per Part 2M.3 of mainly the Corporations Act and that is essentially a reporting entity (Wild 2015). As mentioned in the standard AASB 138 (for intangible assets), cost is necessarily the carrying amount of particularly cash as well as cash equivalents that is paid or else the fair value of different other considerations that are provided to acquire a particular asset during the time of acquisition. This standard when applicable, entire amount is attributed to the particular asset at the time when initially recognized as per particular requirements of other standards of accounting. As per AASB 3 (Business Combination) in case if an intangible asset is acquired in a specific business combination, the specific cost of that particul ar intangible asset is necessarily at the fair value at the date of acquisition (Callen 2015). Basically, fair value of an intangible asset shall help in replicating expectations of participants of a market at the date of acquisition regarding the possibility that the anticipated future economic advantages that are necessarily embodied in a particular asset will flow to the reporting entity. In case if an intangible asset that is acquired in a specific business combination can be separated or if it stems from contractual or else any other legal rights, then adequate information subsists to enumerate to asset at fair value. Reporting entity might select to recognize intangible asset as well as grant at the fair value as per AASB 120 (Abernathy et al. 2015). Again, as per cost model that is elucidated as per paragraph 74 of the AAS 138, after explicit initial recognition, a specific intangible asset of an entity shall necessarily be carried at a particular revalued amount that is bein g the fair value recorded at the revaluation date after deduction of any kind of subsequent accumulated amortisation and any following accumulated impairment losses. Fair value dimensions and systems of accounting for property, plant, and equipment (PPE) can be considered to be superior to particularly historical cost founded on the features of mainly predictive value, value of feedback, timeliness, representational faithfulness, consistency, neutrality and comparability (Williams 2016). Essentially, verifiability seems to be the only qualitative feature that favours historical cost over the theme of fair value. However, there are benefits as well of using historical cost for valuation of PPE in the balance sheet. It is such that historical cost can be verified. Normally, the cost incurred at the time of purchase is registered with various agreements, disbursements, transfer taxes and many others. Essentially, the historical cost of particularly plant property and equipment is also utilized for the purpose of ascertainment of the amount of the depreciation expends that are reported on the entitys income statement (McLaney and Atrill 2014). In essence, the overall depreciation amount is reported as a specific deduction from the historical cost of the asset registered on the balance sheet. However, in case of impairment, there are certain assets that might perhaps be reported at amount that is less than the one founded on historical cost. In actual fact, the use of historical cost can prove to be a disadvantage for those users of the financial assertions that has the need to know the current v alue. Intangible assets might have the need to be valued for variety of reasons (Trucco 2015). It can be observed that fair value system of accounting has greater probability to be selected for particularly PPE than any other non-financial assets as makers of property are normally more liquid. Managers are more probable to adopt fair value when it necessarily facilitates measurement of performance. In this case value alters in investment property are quite informative of different operating performance at the time when capital gains are necessarily part of the model of business (Barth 2015). However, fair value system adversely influences important performance dimensions in case if the management selects to hold diverse unproductive assets. Identification of valuation practices and for non-financial assets: PPE and intangibles In this study, the company chosen under the Australian Stock Exchange is Woolworths Limited, company selected under London Stock Exchange is Tesco Plc and the company selected under the New York Stock Exchange is the Alcoa Corporation. Alcoa Corporation: The consolidated financial statement of Alcoa Corporation is necessarily prepared as per the accounting principles normally accepted in particularly United States of America that is GAAP ( 2018). This requires management to carry out specific judgements, estimations as well as assumptions. However, this might perhaps affect the registered amounts of entitys assets and liabilities along with the disclosure on specific contingent assets/liabilities at the financial statement date ( 2018). In case of Alcoa Corporation, Properties, plants, as well as equipment are registered at cost. Essentially, depreciation is registered mainly on the straight-line method at specific rates founded on the approximated economic lives of the assets (Modi and Pathak 2014). Particularly, for diverse greenfield assets, that indicate towards construction of various new assets on several undeveloped land, different production mechanisms is utilized to register depreciation. As such, these assets have the need for a considerable period (normally over and above one-year) to boost production capacity. Properties, plants, as well as equipment (PPE) are analysed for the purpose of impairment whenever there are certain events or else alterations in state of affairs. This reflects the fact that the carrying amount of this kind of assets otherwise group of assets might perhaps not be recoverable. It can also be observed that recoverability of assets can be ascertained by way of comparing the approximated undiscounted flows of net cash operations associated to the firms assets or else group of asset to firms carrying amount. Again, an impairment loss can be detected at the time when assets or else carrying amount of group of assets surpasses the approximated undiscounted flows of net cash. In addition to this, impairment loss amount to be registered is enumerated as the excess of firms assets carrying value of asset group over fair value, with fair value ascertained utilizing the preeminent information obtainable that normally is a discounted flow of cash model (Weygandt et al. 2015). F urthermore, ascertainment of what comprises of group of asset, the related approximated undiscounted flows of net cash, and the approximated economic lives of assets also have the need of considerable judgments. In accordance with the annual report of the firm Alcoa Corporation, it can be stated that goodwill is not necessarily amortised, and in place of that it is assessed for impairment yearly otherwise more frequently in case if the pointers of impairment exist or else if a specific decision to sell or exit a business is made ( 2018). The accounting policies mentioned in the annual report elucidates that a considerable amount of judgement of the management is involved in the process of ascertainment in case if a specific indicator/pointer of impairment has taken place. In addition to this, it can be hereby mentioned that this kind of pointers might perhaps include deterioration in normal economic circumstances, negative developments in the area of equity as well as market of credit, unfavourable transformations in the market in which the firm operates. These indicators also include enhancement in input costs that necessarily have an adverse impact in companys earnings a s well as flow of cash or a consistent trend of declining flows of cash (Cortesi et al. 2015). Impairment tests of goodwill in all previous years presented reflected that the firms goodwill was not impaired. Intangible assets having finite economic lives are necessarily amortised normally on a straight line basis methods over the time period benefitted. Woolworths Limited: The consolidated financial statements of the entire group are essentially the general purpose financial statements that have necessarily been presented and prepared as per the Corporation Act 2001, Australian Accounting Standards as well as Interpretations as well as the International Financial Reporting Standards. As per the annual report of the firm the PPE of the entire group is essentially enumerated at cost deducting accumulated depreciation or amortisation as well as accumulated impairment losses. Particularly, the cost of various self constructed assets of the firm comprises of the materials cost, direct labour in addition to proportion of overheads. The cost involved in development properties also comprises of borrowing, costs of holding along with development till the asset is complete (Hoyle et al. 2015). The annual financial pronouncement of the firm also mentions that the PPE are necessarily examined according to the strategy of impairment of non-finan cial assets. Again, approximation of useful lives also call for the need of important management judgement and are analysed at least yearly. In case of Woolworths Limited, impairment of PPE mainly associates to property impairment, store assets as well as distribution centres relating to Home Improvement Business ( 2018). Again, as per the annual report of the firm Woolworths limited, it can be hereby witnessed that intangible assets are enumerated at cost less specific accumulated amortisation as well as impairment losses. In case when intangible assets are acquired in a specific business combination, specific costs reflect the fair value particularly at the acquisition date (Whittington 2014). Also, the intangible assets of the firm having finite lives are necessarily amortised with various finite lives that are amortised using a straight line method over the approximated economic lives. Tesco Plc: Analysis of the annual report of the firm for the financial year 2016 reflects that the financial statements of the firm are presented and prepared in compliance with the regulations stipulated under International Financial Reporting Standards as has been adopted by the European Union. The financial pronouncements are prepared according to the necessities of the Companies Act of the year 2006 concerning the financial declaration of the Group as well as article 4 of particularly IAS Regulation. Evaluation of the important accounting policies of the firm reveals that the plant, property as well as equipment of the firm is necessarily carried at cost deducting accumulated depreciation in addition to any identified value of impairment. Essentially, the PPE is depreciated using the straight line method to essentially the residual value over the estimated economic lives ( 2018). Analytical evaluation of the annual report of the firm for the financial year 2016 also r eplicates the fact that for non-financial assets of the firm counting the intangible assets as well as PPE, the group undertakes impairment testing in which there are certain indicators of particularly impairment. In case if such kind of impairment subsists, the entire recoverable amount of the firms assets is approximated in a bid to ascertain the degree and extent of loss of impairment (Hayne et al. 2014). In case where asset does not necessarily generate flows of cash that are specifically independent from various other assets, then the group approximates the entire recoverable amount of the overall cash generating unit. In addition to this, the annual report of the firm mentions that intangible assets namely software along with pharmacy licenses are necessarily enumerated initially at the cost of acquisition or else costs that is incurred for development of asset. Again, development expends that the firm incurs on a specific individual project is necessarily capitalized only when particular criteria are satisfied counting the asset generated shall possibly generate economic benefits in the upcoming period ( 2018). In essence, intangible assets that the business acquires in a specific business combination are detected at fair value at the acquirement date. However, after initial recognition, specific intangible assets having finite useful lives are carried out at cost less accumulated amortisation as well as accumulated impairment losses (Warren 2016). Essentially, they are necessarily amortised on a straight line basis over the approximated useful lives that is at 10% to 25% of cost per annum. For diverse other non-financial assets counting intangible assets of the firm, the group carries out impairment testing essentially in cases where there are pointers of impairment. Examination whether PPE and intangibles are consistent across three firms The enumeration of PPE and intangible assets of the firm are quite consistent among the firms Tesco Plc and Woolworths Limited while it is bit different in case of Alcoa Corporation. In case of Tesco Plc, plant, property as well as equipment of the firm is necessarily carried at cost deducting accumulated depreciation in addition to any identified value of impairment ( 2018). Again, in case of Woolworths Limited, PPE of the entire group is essentially enumerated at cost deducting accumulated depreciation or amortisation as well as accumulated impairment losses. However, in case of Alcoa Corporation, plants, as well as equipment are registered at cost. Essentially, depreciation is registered mainly on the straight-line method at specific rates founded on the approximated economic lives of the assets. In case of intangible assets of Tesco Plc, it is enumerated initially at the cost of acquisition or else costs that is incurred for development of asset. Also, specific intang ible assets having finite useful lives are carried out at cost less accumulated amortisation as well as accumulated impairment losses. In case of Woolworths Limited, intangible assets are enumerated at cost less specific accumulated amortisation as well as impairment losses. Again, in case of Alcoa Corporation, intangible assets having finite economic lives are necessarily amortised normally on a straight line basis methods. Opinion regarding free choice between historical cost and fair value accounting The current study helps in understanding various advantages of IFRS that allows free choice between fair value as well as the historical system of accounting. Essentially, IFRS has the ex-ante commitment necessity to one out of the two policies of accounting. In essence it is as per the interests of the management to restrict the overall scope for action in the upcoming period, for example, management of earnings. Thus, managers have certain initiative to properly respond to diverse demands of the market and commit to treatment of accounting that in turn can help in maximizing the firm value. Fair value accounting for diverse non-financial assets namely the enhanced the relevance value as well as information content, lessened comparability (Henderson et al. 2015). Reports suggest that the choice to utilize the fair value is not necessarily random and takes place at the time when the advantages necessarily outweigh specific costs. However, there are also evidences that reflect the fac t that the net benefits that can be obtained from fair value system of accounting is necessarily restricted. 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